How Much is Jade Worth Â
Authentic jade is composed of two minerals namely nephrite and jadeite. Jadeite is a harder and rarer stone that is used for intricate carvings and is found in many colors but the prime-most being green. The emerald-green color jadeite is considered to be the most precious gemstone. The top-notch jade is that belonging to Myanmar. Chinese people have strong admiration for this gemstone that further aggravates its worth. Whether you want to purchase jade or have a jade ring or a jade pendent and scrolling through to know how much is jade worth, then you have landed to the right place. This article will illustrate the features by which you can assess your jade’s worth.
There are several factors on which the worth of your jade depends. Let’s have a look at these:
- Color of the jade: Color is the most vital factor of analyzing the cost of your jade. Color is generally analyzed on the basis of its intensity, tone, saturation and uniformity in the stone.
- The costliest jadeite is the Imperial Jade that is a semi-transparent stone with emerald-green tinge. It is a pristine gemstone with color that is penetrating bereft any gray shade. This green-hued gem was once the most expensive of all and was in demand by members of Chinese royal court. It is so expensive that its cost ranges in millions of dollars. The green color jadelite has lots of types including kingfisher jade and apple jade, both being less vividly green than the imperial variety.
• The second most valuable jadeite is the lavender hued gem. Black, orange and reddish jades are popular, though they have much lower worth in comparison to lavender and green jadeite.
• Some of the jadeites are bleached to give a glittering and vibrant appearance. Jade is bleached to remove discolorations and is then impregnated by hued polymers. Its value is equivalent to its other counterparts.
- Transparency: On the basis of transparency, jadeite may range from dull opaque jade to glowing semi-transparent jade. A totally opaque jade will not hold any light and will not be alluring. Thus, opaque jade is having a lower value while the semi-transparent dazzling jade is highly priced. A semi-transparent jade in which the light can completely penetrate is having the highest value. Jadeite with good transparency is highly priced even if its color is low in saturation or is uneven.
- Texture: The texture of jadeite ranges from finely textured to medium and to that having rough surfaces. The jade with finest structure is most valuable. The finer the texture, the more will be its transparency.
- Jade cut: Jade is cut into cabochons for its use in rings, bracelets and earrings. Its cutting gives an idea of its worth. The cabochons jades are analyzed on the basis of their symmetry, proportion, and thickness. A carbochon with even surfaces, bereft flaws and spot is having highest worth. Jadeites that are carved in the shape of round beads are matched for strands in size, symmetry of cut, color and texture. Long strands of well matched jade possess higher values.

Properties of Jade
- MINERAL: Jadeite and Nephrite
- CHEMISTRY:NaAlSi2O6Â and Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
- COLOR:Â Green, white, orange, yellow, lavender, black
- REFRACTIVE INDEX:666 to 1.680 (+/-0.008) and 1.606 to 1.632 (+0.009, 0.006)
- BIREFRINGENCE:Â Usually not detectable
- SPECIFIC GRAVITY:34 and 2.95
- MOHS HARDNESS:5 to 7 and 6.0 to 6.5.
World’s Largest Jade Stone and it’s worth
In Recently discovered $170 Million Estimiate Given for 210 tonne jade stone in Myanmar (formaerly Burma), This Stone is shipped to China, Where it can be carved into status and Jewelry. Much of Myanmar’s $31 billion per year jade industry goes to China, and the industry accounts for half of Myanmar’s GDP.