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Lepidolite Gemstone 60.73ct Brazil

Original price was: 47.37$.Current price is: 36.44$.
SKU: AK03969

Discover the Calming Energy and Healing Properties of Lepidolite Gemstones

Lepidolite, with its delicate lilac hue and shimmering surface, is a stone of tranquility and inner peace. Known for its calming energy and unique composition, Lepidolite is a cherished gemstone for those seeking emotional balance and spiritual growth. At, we invite you to explore the soothing beauty and transformative benefits of Lepidolite gemstones.

1. Serene Beauty of Lepidolite:

Lepidolite is a type of mica mineral that often occurs in shades of lilac, lavender, or pink, with specks of black or white mica interspersed throughout. Its subtle coloration and shimmering surface give Lepidolite a gentle and ethereal appearance, reminiscent of a tranquil sunset sky.

2. Metaphysical Properties and Healing Benefits:

Emotional Healing: Lepidolite is known as a stone of emotional healing and balance. Its calming energy soothes stress, anxiety, and tension, helping individuals find inner peace and serenity during times of turmoil or uncertainty.

Lithium Content: Lepidolite contains traces of lithium, a mineral known for its mood-stabilizing properties. This makes Lepidolite an excellent stone for promoting emotional stability, alleviating mood swings, and supporting mental well-being.

Sleep and Relaxation: Lepidolite is believed to aid in sleep and relaxation, making it an ideal stone for those struggling with insomnia or restless nights. Its gentle energy encourages a sense of calm and tranquility, promoting deep and restorative sleep.

3. Spiritual Growth and Awareness:

Third Eye Activation: Lepidolite is associated with the third eye chakra, the center of intuition and spiritual insight. It is believed to enhance psychic abilities, intuition, and inner vision, helping individuals connect with their higher self and access spiritual wisdom.

Transformation and Growth: Lepidolite is said to facilitate personal growth and transformation by helping individuals release old patterns, fears, and emotional baggage. It encourages self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-acceptance, empowering individuals to embrace change and evolve on their spiritual journey.

4. Jewelry Design and Care:

Lepidolite’s delicate beauty and calming energy make it a popular choice for jewelry design. Whether set in sterling silver, gold, or mixed metals, Lepidolite gemstones radiate a sense of peace and serenity. When wearing Lepidolite jewelry, it’s important to handle it with care and avoid exposure to harsh chemicals to preserve its natural luster and beauty.

5. Conclusion: Embrace the Tranquility of Lepidolite Gemstones:

Experience the soothing energy and transformative power of Lepidolite gemstones at Whether you’re seeking emotional balance, spiritual growth, or simply drawn to its serene beauty, Lepidolite offers a journey of healing, insight, and inner peace. Explore our curated collection and discover the calming essence of Lepidolite gemstones today.

Properties Of Lepidolite

Chemical Composition:  K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(F,OH)2 [Potassium Lithium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide Fluoride]

Hardness: 2.5-4.0

Specific Gravity (Density):  2.80 – 2.90 (g/cm3)

Refractive Index: 1.525 – 1.587 Biaxial

Buy Lepidolite Gemstones Online at Call for details at Mobile +91 9444456511, Landline +91 44 42333655.