Showing all 10 results

kona Dolomite Gemstone 20.81ct Michigan

Original price was: 32.47$.Current price is: 24.98$.
SKU: AK04240

kona Dolomite Gemstone 20.98ct Michigan

Original price was: 32.73$.Current price is: 25.18$.
SKU: AK04239

kona Dolomite Gemstone 26.64ct Michigan

Original price was: 41.56$.Current price is: 31.97$.
SKU: AK04238

kona Dolomite Gemstone 27.09ct Michigan

Original price was: 42.26$.Current price is: 32.51$.
SKU: AK04237

kona Dolomite Gemstone 18.31ct Michigan

Original price was: 28.56$.Current price is: 21.98$.
SKU: AK04236

kona Dolomite Gemstone 23.09ct Michigan

Original price was: 36.02$.Current price is: 27.71$.
SKU: AK04235

kona Dolomite Gemstone 28.14ct Michigan

Original price was: 43.90$.Current price is: 33.77$.
SKU: AK04234

kona Dolomite Gemstone 31.31ct Michigan

Original price was: 48.85$.Current price is: 37.58$.
SKU: AK04233

kona Dolomite Gemstone 34.77ct Michigan

Original price was: 54.25$.Current price is: 41.73$.
SKU: AK04232

kona Dolomite Gemstone 31.17ct Michigan

Original price was: 48.63$.Current price is: 37.41$.
SKU: AK04231

Kona Dolomite: Unveiling the Unique Beauty and Healing Properties

Kona Dolomite is a captivating gemstone renowned for its distinctive patterns and healing properties. Found primarily in the Kona Hills of Marquette County, Michigan, this unique stone has captured the hearts of gemstone enthusiasts worldwide. At, we invite you to discover the allure and benefits of Kona Dolomite, from its mesmerizing aesthetics to its powerful healing energies.

Mesmerizing Aesthetics:

Kona Dolomite is characterized by its rich blend of pink, white, and gray hues, creating striking patterns reminiscent of picturesque landscapes. These unique colors and patterns are formed through the gradual crystallization of ancient coral and other marine organisms, resulting in a stone that is as beautiful as it is rare. offers a curated selection of Kona Dolomite gemstones, each showcasing the natural beauty and elegance of this extraordinary stone.

Healing Properties:

In addition to its stunning appearance, Kona Dolomite is believed to possess powerful healing properties that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This gemstone is said to have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. It is also believed to enhance creativity, intuition, and spiritual awareness, making it a popular choice for meditation and spiritual practices. provides insights into the healing properties of Kona Dolomite, empowering you to harness its energy for personal growth and transformation.

Embracing Harmony and Balance:

Kona Dolomite is associated with the heart chakra, making it an ideal stone for promoting love, compassion, and emotional healing. Its gentle energy encourages a sense of harmony and balance, allowing you to release negative emotions and embrace a more positive outlook on life. Whether worn as jewelry or placed in your home or workspace, Kona Dolomite serves as a powerful reminder to live in alignment with your true self and connect with the world around you.

Jewelry Designs and Decorative Pieces:

The unique colors and patterns of Kona Dolomite make it a popular choice for jewelry designers and collectors alike. offers a variety of jewelry designs featuring Kona Dolomite, from elegant rings and pendants to statement earrings and bracelets. Each piece is carefully crafted to showcase the natural beauty and elegance of this remarkable gemstone, allowing you to express your unique style and personality.

Experience the Magic of Kona Dolomite:

Whether you’re drawn to its mesmerizing aesthetics or its powerful healing properties, Kona Dolomite is a gemstone that captivates the senses and uplifts the spirit. Explore our collection of Kona Dolomite gemstones at and experience the magic and beauty of this extraordinary stone for yourself.

Properties Of Kona Dolomite

Chemical Composition: CaMg(CO3)2 + Fe, Mn, Zu, Pb, Co. Ankerite: CaFe(CO3)2 . Kutnohorite: CaMn(CO3)2.

Hardness: 3.5 – 4, varies with direction in crystal.

Specific Gravity (Density): 2.85, as high as 2.93; ankerite, 2.93-3.10

Refractive Index: 1.500-1.750

Buy Kona Dolomite Gemstones Online at Call for details at Mobile +91 9444456511, Landline +91 44 42333655.