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Charoite Gemstone 5.85ct Russia

Original price was: 18.25$.Current price is: 14.04$.
SKU: AK03599

Charoite Gemstone 38.21ct Russia

Original price was: 59.61$.Current price is: 45.86$.
SKU: AK03585

Charoite Gemstone 42.52ct Russia

Original price was: 66.33$.Current price is: 51.03$.
SKU: AK03581

Charoite: Unveiling the Enchanting Beauty at


Charoite, a gemstone of rare beauty, takes center stage at Explore the unique characteristics, historical significance, and potential benefits of this captivating gemstone known for its vibrant purple hues and mystical attributes.

Appearance and Formation 

Charoite is distinguished by its captivating purple color, often showcasing intricate patterns and swirls of lavender, violet, and white. This gemstone is primarily found in Siberia, Russia, and is a result of the alteration of limestone by the complex process of regional metamorphism.

Geological Occurrence

The exclusive occurrence of Charoite in the Chara River region of Siberia makes it a rare and sought-after gemstone. It is often found in association with other minerals, including tinaksite and aegirine, contributing to its unique appearance.

Metaphysical Properties 

Charoite is revered for its metaphysical properties, symbolizing transformation, spiritual insight, and inner harmony. It is often associated with the third eye and crown chakras, facilitating a connection to higher consciousness and intuitive abilities.

Benefits of Charoite 

1. Spiritual Transformation 

  • Third Eye Activation: Charoite is believed to activate and stimulate the third eye chakra, enhancing spiritual insight and intuition.
  • Transformational Energy: The gemstone is associated with profound spiritual transformation, assisting individuals in overcoming obstacles and embracing positive change.

2. Inner Harmony 

  • Crown Chakra Connection: Charoite is thought to facilitate a connection to the crown chakra, promoting a sense of inner harmony and alignment.
  • Spiritual Awareness: The gemstone is believed to heighten spiritual awareness, encouraging a deeper understanding of one’s purpose.

3. Emotional Healing 

  • Calming Energies: Charoite is known for its calming energies that soothe emotional turmoil and stress.
  • Release of Fear: The gemstone is believed to assist in releasing deep-seated fears and anxieties, fostering emotional healing.

4. Intuitive Abilities 

  • Enhanced Intuition: Charoite is thought to amplify intuitive abilities, allowing individuals to trust their inner guidance.
  • Clarity of Vision: The gemstone is associated with clarity of vision, both in the physical and spiritual realms.

Utilization in Jewelry 

Charoite’s vibrant purple hues and unique patterns make it an exquisite choice for jewelry designers. It is often crafted into rings, pendants, earrings, and bracelets, creating pieces that embody the enchanting beauty of this rare gemstone.

Care and Maintenance 

With a moderate hardness, Charoite requires gentle care to preserve its beauty. Protecting the gemstone from exposure to harsh chemicals and sudden temperature changes is advisable. Cleaning with a soft brush and mild soap helps maintain its vibrant appearance.


Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty and mystical attributes of Charoite at Whether chosen for its rare elegance, metaphysical properties, or vibrant purple hues, Charoite invites you to experience the profound benefits it offers. Adorn yourself with this captivating gemstone and embrace the spiritual transformation, inner harmony, and heightened intuition it brings to your adornments and well-being alike.

Properties Of Charoite

Chemical Composition:  K(Ca, Na)2Si4O10(OH, F) H2O

Hardness: 5.0 – 6.0

Specific Gravity (Density): 2.54 – 2.58

Refractive Index:  1.550 – 1.559

Buy Charoite Gemstones Online at Call for details at Mobile +91 9444456511, Landline +91 44 42333655.