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Apatite Cat’s Eye 56.64ct Natural Gemstone India

Original price was: 441.86$.Current price is: 339.89$.
SKU: AK18609

Apatite Cat’s Eye: Illuminating Elegance and Intuition at


Apatite Cat’s Eye, a rare and enchanting variety of Apatite, takes center stage at Uncover the distinctive characteristics and potential benefits of this mesmerizing gemstone, celebrated for its captivating chatoyancy and spiritual connections.

Composition and Optical Phenomenon

Apatite Cat’s Eye is a form of Apatite with a unique optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy. This captivating effect is created by the presence of needle-like inclusions that reflect light in a way that resembles a cat’s eye. The result is a luminous band of light that moves across the surface of the gemstone, creating a mesmerizing display.

Colors and Geological Occurrence

Apatite Cat’s Eye exhibits a range of colors, with green and blue being common hues. The chatoyant band is typically seen in a lighter or darker shade than the base color, enhancing the visual impact. Notable deposits of Apatite Cat’s Eye can be found in Brazil, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar.

Metaphysical Properties

Apatite Cat’s Eye is associated with metaphysical properties that resonate with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. The chatoyancy is believed to mimic the gaze of a cat, symbolizing heightened perception and the ability to see beyond the surface.

Benefits of Apatite Cat’s Eye

1. Enhanced Intuition 

Apatite Cat’s Eye is thought to stimulate and enhance intuition. It is believed to open channels of insight, allowing individuals to trust their instincts and make decisions guided by inner wisdom.

2. Spiritual Awareness 

The gemstone’s connection to spiritual awareness is amplified by the chatoyant effect. Apatite Cat’s Eye is believed to facilitate a deeper understanding of spiritual truths and a stronger connection to the spiritual realm.

3. Protection and Warding off Negativity 

In some belief systems, Apatite Cat’s Eye is considered a protective stone. It is thought to ward off negative energies and provide a shield of spiritual protection, promoting a sense of security.

4. Clarity and Focus 

The chatoyant band in Apatite Cat’s Eye is believed to enhance mental clarity and focus. It may assist individuals in maintaining concentration, making it beneficial for meditation and contemplative practices.

Utilization in Jewelry

Apatite Cat’s Eye’s unique optical effect makes it a prized gemstone for distinctive jewelry pieces. Crafted into rings, pendants, and earrings, this gemstone adds a touch of elegance and mystery to any jewelry collection. Its versatility allows it to complement both casual and formal attire.

Care and Maintenance

With a hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale, Apatite Cat’s Eye requires gentle care to prevent scratches. It is advisable to protect the gemstone from harsh chemicals and abrasive surfaces. Cleaning with a soft cloth and mild soap maintains its enchanting luster.


Immerse yourself in the illuminating elegance of Apatite Cat’s Eye, where chatoyancy meets spiritual connections at Whether you seek enhanced intuition, spiritual awareness, or a unique addition to your jewelry collection, Apatite Cat’s Eye invites you to explore the captivating world of luminous beauty and inner wisdom. Adorn yourself with this enchanting gemstone and experience the subtle magic of the cat’s eye gaze.

Chemical Composition: Ca5(PO4)3(F,OH,CI) – Basic fluoro- and chloro-calcium
Specific Gravity (Density): 3.16 to 3.23
Refractive Index: 1.628 to 1.649

Buy Apatite Cat’s Eye Gemstone Online at Call for details at Mobile +91 9444456511, Landline +91 44 42333655.