Celsian: Gemstone Information
Typically found in medium-grade contact or regionally metamorphosed rocks with significant barium particularly associated with manganese deposits. In barite-carbonate veins. Rare in igneous rocks. Localities include Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australia. Alaska range, Alaska, U.S.A. Otjosondu, Namibia. Benallt manganese mine, Rhiw, LLeyn Peninsula, Caernarvonshire, U.K. Jakobsberg, Sweden. Kaso mine, Totiki Pref. Japan and Zamora, Spain.
Transparent to translucent. Forms short prismatic crystals; also massive. Twinning is very common.
• Luster: Vitreous
• Color: Colorless, white, pale yellow and yellow.
Title: Celsian: The Radiant Gem of Harmony and Creativity