"Aquamarine gemstone: serene blue beauty."
“Aquamarine: Nature’s Tranquil Blue Jewel.”

Brazilian Aquamarine: Gemstone Information 

Crystals of beryl other than emerald occur most commonly in pegmatites whose cavities give the crystal the opportunity to grow to large size and allow clear areas to develop. This is why fashioned beryl can be among the larger gemstones. The finest Brazilian aquamarine is found in Brazil, where the pegmatite deposits of Minas Gerais produce the finest blues, blue-greens and yellow-green as well as pale green and golden beryl.
Beryl are also described in Principais depositos minerals do Brazil, vol. V, Parte A, published in 1991 by the Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais of the Dept Nacional da Producão Mineral.

This is by far the most complete survey of Brazilian gem minerals, details and maps of the major mines accompanying statistics of production and virtually anything else the student might need. The text is in Portuguese – I have been unable to find an ISBN in my copy (MO’D). We have noted that the state of Minas Gerais produces the finest non emerald beryl: Oakenfull cites several large crystals. One more recently discovered crystal was named Marta Rocha after a Miss Brazil of the middle 1950s, the name persisting as a description of an especially fine dark blue. Large golden beryl crystals also occur in the state as well as pink beryl (morganite) whose color does not quite reach the excellence of those from Madagascar.

Fortaleza aquamarines come from the north of the state. The Maxixe blue beryl, a perpetual fascination for gemmologists, comes from mines in the Piauí valley of Minas Gerais; the deep blue color is subject to fading, though not quite so dramatically as popular legend suggests. The finer blue is shown by the ordinary ray – in other blue beryls the colour is in the extraordinary ray. The hexagonal crystals of aquamarine are often of large size and, owing to oscillation between the first- and second-order prisms, may be striated parallel to the prism edge. At times this striation may be sufficiently pronounced to obscure the hexagonal outline, the crystal assuming a ribbed cylindrical form.

Further, due to erosion, some aquamarine crystals may be tapered. However, Hintze, in Handbuch der Mineralogie, Bd 2, Silicate und Titanate (1897), does not emphasize this observation. Pale aquamarine may be heated to improve the colour but disclosure is not necessary nor is any test needed at least in the ornamental context. SG will lie between 2.66 and 2.80, specimens from some localities showing the higher values. RI will be in the range 1.572–1.590 for the extraordinary and ordinary ray respectively, uniaxial negative with DR 0.007–0.008. Dispersion at 0.014 is insignificant. Dichroic colours are a darker and a paler blue with the better colour seen in the extraordinary ray (compare Maxixe beryl). Two absorption bands, not notably strong or sharp, are at 456 and 427 nm. In Maxixe beryl there are strong bands in the red at 697 and 657 nm, with a weaker band in the orange at 628 nm.

Greenish blue Brazilian aquamarine which has escaped heating may show an absorption band in the green at 537 nm. This aquamarine is a subtle colour and may well be preferred to the perhaps more metallic blue of some heated stones. Like other beryls aquamarine is brittle. Apart from Brazil aquamarine is found in Namibia and crystals of weak colour in Zimbabwe. The Mourne Mountains in Northern Ireland have produced attractive aquamarine – a fine crystal is in the Natural History Museum in London. The only natural stone closely resembling aquamarine is blue topaz, which gives refractometer indices ranging from 1.610 and 1.620 appreciably higher than the values for aquamarine.

Title: Exploring Brazilian Aquamarine: Beauty and Benefits of the Ocean’s Gem

Introduction: Brazilian Aquamarine, with its captivating blue hues reminiscent of the ocean’s depths, holds a special place in the world of gemstones. Renowned for its clarity, brilliance, and soothing energy, Brazilian Aquamarine has long been prized by gem enthusiasts and jewelry connoisseurs. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the origins, characteristics, and the potential benefits of Brazilian Aquamarine, uncovering its beauty and the advantages it offers to those who embrace it.

Origin and Characteristics: Brazilian Aquamarine is a variety of the mineral beryl, prized for its exquisite blue coloration caused by traces of iron. It is found primarily in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, where it forms in pegmatite deposits alongside other minerals such as tourmaline and topaz. Brazilian Aquamarine is renowned for its exceptional clarity and transparency, often exhibiting a dazzling brilliance when properly cut and polished.

One of the most notable characteristics of Brazilian Aquamarine is its color range, which varies from pale blue to vivid turquoise. The gemstone’s color intensity is influenced by factors such as the presence of iron impurities and the depth of the crystal formation. Brazilian Aquamarine crystals are typically large and well-formed, making them ideal for faceting into stunning gemstones that showcase the stone’s natural beauty.

Benefits and Uses: Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Brazilian Aquamarine is believed to offer a range of metaphysical properties that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some of the potential benefits and uses of Brazilian Aquamarine:

  1. Calming and Soothing Energy: Brazilian Aquamarine is said to possess calming and soothing properties that help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. It is believed to promote feelings of tranquility, peace, and serenity, making it a valuable tool for relaxation and meditation. By fostering a sense of inner harmony and balance, Brazilian Aquamarine helps individuals navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

  2. Communication and Expression: In addition to its calming properties, Brazilian Aquamarine is believed to enhance communication and self-expression. It is said to stimulate the throat chakra, facilitating clear and effective communication, both verbal and non-verbal. By promoting openness and honesty, Brazilian Aquamarine helps individuals express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas with clarity and confidence.

  3. Spiritual Growth and Insight: Brazilian Aquamarine is associated with qualities of spiritual growth and insight, helping individuals deepen their spiritual practice and connect with higher realms of consciousness. It is believed to open the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness. By facilitating inner exploration and self-discovery, Brazilian Aquamarine helps individuals gain greater insight, wisdom, and enlightenment.

  4. Healing and Well-being: Brazilian Aquamarine is also valued for its potential healing properties, particularly in the realm of physical health. It is said to support the immune system, promote detoxification, and enhance overall vitality and well-being. By clearing negative energy blockages and promoting the flow of positive energy throughout the body, Brazilian Aquamarine helps individuals achieve a state of optimal health and vitality.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Brazilian Aquamarine is a gemstone of unparalleled beauty and potential benefits, cherished for its serene blue hues and soothing energy. Whether admired for its clarity and brilliance or valued for its metaphysical properties, Brazilian Aquamarine continues to captivate the hearts and minds of gem enthusiasts around the world. As a symbol of clarity, purity, and serenity, Brazilian Aquamarine serves as a timeless reminder of the ocean’s vast depths and the mysteries that lie within.

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